Stewardship Helps
What are some ways to regularly talk about stewardship in the church?

The Church Dies Without Discipleship (Part 2)
Here are some more common barriers to discipleship.

The Church Dies Without Discipleship
All Revitalization is Discipleship

The Emergence of Revitalizing Ministry
A church can be growing numerically but be stagnant in spiritual vitality. It’s time to correct our old methodology of rubric churches and get back to biblical basis. The correct question we should be asking is: “How can we lead our church to be healthy?” rather than, “How do we make our church grow?”

Spiritually and Organizationally Healthy
What are the markers of a church health?

Celebrating 175 Years
Celebrating 175 Years at the West Florida Baptist Association

What is the Church?
What really is the church? Let’s think biblically about the Sunday gathering of believers.