Mission and Vision Statements
At the West Florida Baptist Association, we have clear statements that help identify who we are and what we do. Our Mission statement states the purpose of our existence, and our vision statement shows what our goals are moving forward in this ministry. We hope you find this clear, helpful, and concise.
Mission Statement: We are a partnership of SBC Churches that exists to glorify God through Ministry and Mission.
This statement answers three questions: Who are we, why do we exist, and how do we accomplish our mission. The word “Partnership” is important because we are not above the church in any sort of a hierarchy. We work alongside the church, hand in hand. In fact, the Association would not be here without our local churches. When we use the word ministry, we are referring to the daily operation of our ministries here through the association as well our partnership of ministries we have with other churches. When using the word “Mission,” we are referring to the evangelistic nature of the local church. As the church, we are called to be on mission for God through making disciples of all nations.
Vision Statement: To make the name of Jesus known in our community and beyond.
This statement requires some unpacking. We use the word “known” instead of “heard” to combat the cultural Christianity in our area as well as be intentional about sharing Jesus with those who are lost. The way that we accomplish this vision is through our mantra: Every Ministry, Every Mission.
Every Ministry we operate is (1) Evangelistic in Nature and (2) Loving in Character. Being Evangelistic in Nature means that we minister to meet not only the physical needs of the people we help, but the spiritual needs as well. We operate in a way that we give people both the desire and opportunity to follow Jesus. Second, we are Loving in Character. Love is our primary motivation in serving (1 John 4:19), and it demonstrates the Character of Christ in our service (Phil 2:1-5).
Every Mission, again, refers to the evangelistic nature of our local churches. We want (1) every church to become a healthy church and (2) every member a disciple maker. God effectively uses healthy churches for his glory in our community. The role of the AMS is to work with pastors and leaders to help fuel the mission of the church. “Every member a disciple maker” refers to our Great Commission training and work with local churches to help members realize their role in the Great Commission. There are two healthy ways to do evangelism. One is creating events where opportunity exists to have gospel conversations. But second, and perhaps a better way, is to train our people that every one is called to be on daily mission of God. In a sense, Christians are a family of everyday missionaries who make disciples. In this, churches send out members to daily fulfill the mission Jesus is calling each one of us to.
We will effectively win people for Christ when we are fulfilling the Mission and the Vision of our association through the local church.