Pregnancy and Family Center
It is our desire to provide a safe, loving environment to share the hope of Jesus Christ, to celebrate life, and to care for families through pregnancy resources, biblical instruction, parenting education and post-abortion healing. Scripture tells us that we are ALL created in the image of God, therefore, all life has value, including the life of the unborn, the mom and the family. By meeting the most basic needs of a family, we are acknowledging their value. We believe when mom and other family members recognize their value as a creation of our Lord, they will also recognize the value of the unborn child. This ministry believes the one to one relationships we build with mom and her family will provide opportunities to pour into their lives both emotionally and spiritually. It is an honor to serve those the Lord sends our way and we pray that we will continue to be a place of refuge for both spiritual and emotional healing.
To find out more about this ministry, visit their website at