Partnering with Churches to Glorify God through Ministry and Mission
We are a voluntary partnership of Southern Baptist Churches in Washington County, Florida.
West Florida Baptist Association assists in proclaiming the Gospel to the lost, discipling Christians, and ministering to the needs of our community. Our purpose is to promote fellowship among the Churches and to encourage missionary and evangelism work in every Church of the Association. We also carry out community ministries throughout the Association that would not be possible by any one Church. We keep an open line of communication between the Churches and both the Florida and Southern Baptist Conventions.
The WFBA provides assistance to our affiliated Churches for such things as local, national, and international mission opportunities, leadership training and evangelism, church polity issues, staff resume' assistance, event planning and any other needs as requested by our member churches.
The Association exists to serve you. If we may be of service to you please contact us through the information listed under "Our Ministries". You are invited to explore our website for more information on our Churches and ministries. We also invite you to visit us at the Associational office located at 1641 Brickyard Road in Chipley, Florida (west of Chipley High School). Our Associational Missions Strategist will be glad to visit with you and answer any questions you may have.
Our Ministries
West Florida Baptists are proud to support long-standing ministries in our community that provide benevolence, housing, counseling, and disaster relief. If you want to know more about our ministries, click below.
Our Churches
Currently, our association is partnered with 16 Southern Baptist Churches to advance the gospel and fulfill the Great Commission. To see information for all of our churches, click below.
Click here to read topical articles written by the pastors of our association as well as our Associational Mission Strategist.
“As associational leaders, we love Christ and want to assist our churches in advancing the gospel above all else. We are about Christ and building His kingdom, not our own. We are about helping pastors as they build His kingdom and not their own. We are about helping churches build His kingdom rather than succumb to cultural Christianity or become Christian social clubs. In addition, associational leaders help our churches understand who we are as Southern Baptists, what it means to be Southern Baptist, and how we cooperate together as Southern Baptists to advance the gospel.”
— Ray Gentry, The Baptist Association: Assisting Churches and Advancing the Gospel
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
Secretary: wfba15@outlook.com
Director: wfbadom@outlook.com
(850) 638-0182